Updated designs for phases 2 and 3 of the Outer Harbour Development at Brighton Marina have been revealed following extensive consultation with the local community over the past few months.
The proposals are for a mixed-use residential-led development comprising approximately 970 high quality new homes, with a mix of one, two and three bedroom homes with access to private and public gardens, including affordable homes, intended for the Brighon market, with supporting commercial and retail.
A spokesperson for the developer said, “Over 300 people visited our public exhibition of early designs in November and we have had meetings with many local community, political and conservation groups to seek their input. All their comments have been considered by the design team and we have sought to address them through our more detailed designs.
“The response to our scheme, which aims to replace the existing planning permission for this site, has been overwhelmingly positive and we received some very useful ideas from local people especially on how to design and improve the public space around the site, which includes public waterside walkways.”
The updated designs for Brighton Marina Outer Harbour reflect an architectural style that is more in keeping with Brighton & Hove’s Georgian townhouses, squares and crescents, facing back and linking with Brighton seafront.
A tower has been retained from the previous planning consent to serve as a beacon within the new community, but has been reduced in height significantly, bringing it down from 40 storeys to 28.
Changes to the proposals since public consultation include improved access to the site on foot and cycle,as well as landscape designs for several public gardens, carefully planted to thrive in this marine environment, including attractive planting, trees, places to sit and a children’s play area.
New community spaces, such as communal workspaces, have been introduced and ground level retail space has been designed to be flexible and to be suitable for independent shops and cafes.
The water and energy efficient development now includes a tidal lagoon to the west of the site, to assist with drainage and to support the power plant for the scheme, with environmentally friendly technology that draws heat from the sea water.
Continued the spokesperson for the development, “Our vision is to create housing and public spaces which set a benchmark for the future development of Brighton Marina. We intend to deliver high quality apartments as well as the amenities and infrastructure necessary to make a genuine and balanced community flourish.”
The proposals are available to view and comment on online until 24 January at www.outerharbourdevelopment.co.uk
The Outer Harbour Development Company Partnership LLP is proposing to submit a planning application in the coming months, seeking Full Planning Permission (detailed plans) for Phase 2 and Outline Planning Permission (Parameters) for Phase 3 of the plans.
The Brighton Marina Outer Harbour development is being carried out by The Outer Harbour Development Company Partnership LLP, part of the Brighton Marina Group Ltd, which is majority owned by ICG Longbow Plc. ICG Longbow have a 29 year track record and over £30 billion invested worldwide.